Greeting Frau Staatsministerin Bär

Ladies and gentlemen,
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” said computer pioneer Alan Curtis Kay. He would certainly say here and now in Bamberg that he is exactly in the right place. After all, hardly any other topic shapes our future as much as artificial intelligence. I would like to thank you very much for the invitation to speak to you today.
We have only just begun to understand how the digital transformation is changing our society. What’s certain: It will be crucial that we shape the development and use of digital technologies such as AI for the benefit of people and to strengthen the German and European economy.
In the field of AI, global competition has picked up speed. Machine learning is one of the key technologies for the next transformation of economy and society. There is no industry that will not change radically – whether it is industrial production, medicine, law, finance, logistics, customer management or transport. It is now time to decide who will be at the forefront of this transformation!
With our AI Strategy, the Federal Government has therefore set the goal of making Germany a leader for the development and application of AI. With 5 billion euros, we are strengthening research and development, supporting companies in the use of AI and investing in the training of future AI experts.
I am convinced: Germany is already a strong AI nation. German AI research has been top of the line (also internationally) since its beginnings more than 50 years ago. The federal and state governments are investing massively in the next generation of top AI talent, for example by creating new AI professorships - 7 new AI professorships were recently acquired for Bamberg, congratulations on that! Bamberg is also invests in the future field of “explainable AI” – and thus lays the foundations for trustworthy AI Made in Europe.
Dear Ms. Professor Schmid,
Dear Professor Wolter,
Dear Prof. Klügl,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am convinced: With Bamberg a great venue for the 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence has been chosen. I hope that all participants will use the conference to talk about the essential future questions in the field of AI: Where can AI bring significant added value - not in the sense of pure automation and optimization of processes, but in terms of completely novel approaches? Where are technological leaps possible? Which future fields should we focus on?
I wish you stimulating discussions and new insights. And most importantly: Enjoy creating and shaping the future!
Many thanks!